Tele-Health for a live lactation consultation
How does this work?
A virtual lactation consultation allows moms to schedule a live consultation with a lactation consultant in real-time.
Appointments are shorter, focused, and allow for immediate attention. Appointments are offered within 24 hours.
You can connect to a certified lactation consultant via a mobile device. You can request to connect via your home computer via FaceTime, or a secure phone connection. Your telemedicine appointment will be at your choosing, and however best fits your needs.
After your telehealth visit, the summary and care instructions will be sent to you via email, within 24 hours.
Some examples of subject matter that can be addressed via tele-consultation:
-Mothers and babies at a greater distance without access to a IBCLC who can see you in person.
-Temporary breastfeeding plans during times of hospitalization, or separation.
-Temporary breastfeeding plans until you are able to see an IBCLC in person
-Do I have an oversupply of breastmilk...?
-Do I have an undersupply of breastmilk...?
-Is this pain normal...?
-Breastpumping questions
-Breastfeeding routines and scheduling
-Can I stop using my nipple shield?
Follow up?
It is always recommended that you follow up with your baby's pediatrician, and/or health care provider after your telemedicine consultation.
It is also often recommended that you follow up with an IBCLC in person.
Please keep in mind that many complex breastfeeding issues will be best served through in-person consultation.
Telemedicine is a great service for non-complex breastfeeding issues, but is limited and this service is not a guarantee that all of your breastfeeding problems will be immediately solved.
How should I prepare?
During your tele-health appointment, you will be asked a few simple questions.
These questions may include, but are not limited to:
-What is your baby's current weight, and also history of weights (in pounds and ounces) and the exact dates of those weights.
-How many weeks pregnant were you when you delivered?
-What are your baby's wet, and dirty diaper counts?
-What has your pediatrician recommended you do as far as a breastfeeding routine?
**All questions asked are strictly to assess your breastfeeding history, and provide specific recommendations on how to meet your breastfeeding goals.
Telehealth appointments are billed in 30 minute increments, and can be billed with insurance CPT code S9443, this is for basic breastfeeding education. .
You can pay for your appointment using the PayPal link at the bottom of this page.
Please contact me directly, via the "Contact Me' portal of this site, please let me know of your request for a tele-health appointment, and I can give you immediate appointment times for you to choose from. You will be given times to choose from within 24 hours of your request.
After you schedule your appointment with me, you can use the PayPal link to pay for your appointment prior to your scheduled time.
You may be able to file with your Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account for reimbursement. Please confirm directly with your benefit carrier.